Monday, January 19, 2009

Why I Don't Want To Celebrate MLK Day by Princess Nadia

There are a lot of reasons why I should celebrate and maybe I should, but I don't. It's not right for people to force people to do stuff or to make someone their slave because of color. And we as African Americans have been through a lot and thanks to Martin Luther King, Jr we don't have to go through it any more. Look at what are ancestors went through and I am glad and he died because of it. But he's dead and It's time for us to live and take charge, but you don't see me getting a day name after me because I got a A in History and in another subject. and I am not saying that's why I don't want to rejoice in the victory and achievements he made. To tell you the truth I don't know why I don't want to o I guess I don't think it's needed. I am glad Obama's President, I truly am. And all my reasons I have and probably should put down point to why I should celebrate Martin Luther King Day and what he did for me.

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